Linn County GIS Data

The below .zip files contain shapefiles of Linn County GIS data. Tax Lot, Aerial Photography and Address point data is licensed. To find out information on it contact the GIS department at

File nameSizeLast modified
Airports 5 KB 12/1/2000
Annexations237 KB 12/19/2024
ASA (ambulance service area)134 KB 11/8/2024
Benchmarks16 KB 9/21/2005
Bridges41 KB 5/13/2008
City limits490 KB 2/3/2025
City limits - includes cities partially in other counties549 KB 2/3/2025
City zoning10,105 KB 3/13/2025
Contours 2ft urban106,068 KB 6/3/2009
Contours 5ft north126,742 KB 6/3/2009
Contours 5ft south178,795 KB 7/31/2006
County boundary79 KB 10/5/2016
Culverts160 KB 3/9/2009
DLC260 KB 3/18/2011
ESD109 KB 11/14/2024
FEMA elevation lines101 KB 10/1/2010
fire districts499 KB 11/14/2024
fire stations20 KB 4/14/2006
floods15,341 KB 1/11/2005
Geohazard408 KB 5/12/2008
gps75 KB 3/18/2011
Greenway16 KB 2/21/2006
Historical5 KB 5/13/2008
Hospital8 KB 8/9/2006
LLgrid.zip50 KB 1/13/2005
LLpoints25 KB 1/13/2005
LookingGlassRds3,733 KB 6/6/2017
MapIndex2,136 KB 3/27/2025
Mile post signs19 KB 11/28/2017
Parks - county and city117 KB 8/4/2010
Park 2ft contours4,534 KB 9/30/2009
Police stations18 KB 1/8/2008
Railway24 KB 1/20/2009
Rivers - line file9,603 KB 5/10/2024
Rivers and lakes - polygon file3,633 KB 5/13/2024
Roads3,936 KB 3/25/2025
School districts168 KB 11/14/2024
Sections732 KB 12/16/2013
Soils12,414 KB 8/20/2011
Subdivisions_Plats2,881 KB 3/27/2025
Surveys31,729 KB 3/25/2025
taxcodes967 KB 11/12/2024
Urban Growth Boundary128 KB 10/31/2024
utm27ln385 KB 1/13/2005
utm83ln437 KB 1/13/2005
utm83pt229 KB 1/13/2005
Zoning2,320 KB 2/5/2025
LinnMapStarData2,134 KB 3/31/2015
LinnExchgRds21 KB 7/19/2022