File name | Size | Last modified |
Airports | 5 KB | 12/1/2000 |
Annexations | 237 KB | 12/19/2024 |
ASA (ambulance service area) | 134 KB | 11/8/2024 |
Benchmarks | 16 KB | 9/21/2005 |
Bridges | 41 KB | 5/13/2008 |
City limits | 490 KB | 2/3/2025 |
City limits - includes cities partially in other counties | 549 KB | 2/3/2025 |
City zoning | 10,105 KB | 3/13/2025 |
Contours 2ft urban | 106,068 KB | 6/3/2009 |
Contours 5ft north | 126,742 KB | 6/3/2009 |
Contours 5ft south | 178,795 KB | 7/31/2006 |
County boundary | 79 KB | 10/5/2016 |
Culverts | 160 KB | 3/9/2009 |
DLC | 260 KB | 3/18/2011 |
ESD | 109 KB | 11/14/2024 |
FEMA elevation lines | 101 KB | 10/1/2010 |
fire districts | 499 KB | 11/14/2024 |
fire stations | 20 KB | 4/14/2006 |
floods | 15,341 KB | 1/11/2005 |
Geohazard | 408 KB | 5/12/2008 |
gps | 75 KB | 3/18/2011 |
Greenway | 16 KB | 2/21/2006 |
Historical | 5 KB | 5/13/2008 |
Hospital | 8 KB | 8/9/2006 | | 50 KB | 1/13/2005 |
LLpoints | 25 KB | 1/13/2005 |
LookingGlassRds | 3,733 KB | 6/6/2017 |
MapIndex | 2,136 KB | 3/27/2025 |
Mile post signs | 19 KB | 11/28/2017 |
Parks - county and city | 117 KB | 8/4/2010 |
Park 2ft contours | 4,534 KB | 9/30/2009 |
Police stations | 18 KB | 1/8/2008 |
Railway | 24 KB | 1/20/2009 |
Rivers - line file | 9,603 KB | 5/10/2024 |
Rivers and lakes - polygon file | 3,633 KB | 5/13/2024 |
Roads | 3,936 KB | 3/25/2025 |
School districts | 168 KB | 11/14/2024 |
Sections | 732 KB | 12/16/2013 |
Soils | 12,414 KB | 8/20/2011 |
Subdivisions_Plats | 2,881 KB | 3/27/2025 |
Surveys | 31,729 KB | 3/25/2025 |
taxcodes | 967 KB | 11/12/2024 |
Urban Growth Boundary | 128 KB | 10/31/2024 |
utm27ln | 385 KB | 1/13/2005 |
utm83ln | 437 KB | 1/13/2005 |
utm83pt | 229 KB | 1/13/2005 |
Zoning | 2,320 KB | 2/5/2025 |
LinnMapStarData | 2,134 KB | 3/31/2015 |
LinnExchgRds | 21 KB | 7/19/2022 |